Over 80% of land degradation and extinction is caused by completely legal activities.
No doubt, a harrowing statistic, but there is hope yet and much we as individuals can do. Together, we can keep the Earth WILD…and this week’s guest joins us on Igniting Change podcast to tell us how!
Meet Mary
Mary’s story is an inspiring one. She had an extensive career in the Marketing and Digital world. Throughout this, she felt she wanted to do more purpose-led work but wasn’t sure what that would look like for her or where she was meant to be.
Until a six-month internship programme landed her in Dubai and she started volunteering at an animal hospital while she was there. That was all it took for her to get home and get herself on a trajectory where she was working with an organisation that had an impact and could do her part to make the world a better place.
She was able to apply her Marketing skills to work with World Animal Protection while she took on the huge learning curve of transitioning into Fundraising. Now, with 7 years under her belt working for good, she is bringing her experience and expertise to WCS to support the incredible work they do around the globe for wildlife and wild land!
About Wildlife Conservation Society
The Wildlife Conservation Society began in 1895 as the New York Zoological Society, one of the first conservation organizations in the United States. Its mandate — to advance wildlife conservation, promote the study of zoology, and create a first-class zoological park — has been realized. WCS has had a significant impact around the world with insightful in-depth scientific research as it advocates science, conservation action, and education — all while inspiring people to value nature.
After years of the sameness and not reaching for something larger, I love seeing my day-to-day work make an impact protecting wildlife and wild places! Mary Wellen, Senior Digital Fundraising Manager, Wildlife Conservation Society
Headlines you may have missed this week: ▶️ @MonicaMedinaDC statement from Global Financing Pact Summit bit.ly/3NIeEuM ▶️ One of Colombia's most biodiverse areas gets boost bit.ly/3JpBR2h ▶️ Listen to WCS Wild Audio with @cmrodrigueze apple.co/3CQzZfe
Listen to the full episode here
To hear more of the incredible conversation with Mary listen now using the links below!
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Published on 29 June 2023, last updated on 3 July 2023