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My First Week At 3 Sided Cube

Starting a new job is always an anxious experience, those first-day nerves can often get the better of you as you try to make the best possible first impression. Having completed my first full week here at 3 SIDED CUBE I thought I would share my experience, which was better than I could ever have predicted.


CUBE Welcome Pack

Day one: The welcome pack.

Much to my surprise before starting I had received a welcome pack detailing exactly what my first day as the new marketing manager of 3 SIDED CUBE would entail.

However, as I stepped into the office I was unaware at how completely at home I would be made to feel.

For many joining a new digital agency involves a warp-speed tour of the office, a quick intro to people who names you rapidly forget and then being left to languish at a desk wondering what the hell just happened. But at CUBE HQ itā€™s very different, for many people speed-dating an entire team would be their idea of a nightmare, but it is by far the best initiation I could have had. My mission for the entire day was to get to know theĀ amazing teamĀ I had just become part of.

With an iPad in hand loaded with the 3SC Inquisition Game app, it was my task to coax secret fun facts from colleagues and learn all about them. By midday, I had discovered a panda fanatic, a Japanese celebrity and someone with a phobia of shower curtains (yup, theyā€™re a fairly odd bunch). It provided me with a chance to make friends, tell them about myself and actually get to know people.

Day two: Getting everything set-up.

On the morning of my second day, I was given my new laptop, installed all the software that would be necessary and accessed my company email account. It was time to get myself accustomed to the processes and systems, but having got to know everyone previously I felt comfortable to ask those questions you feel silly to ask. It turns out they have heard them all before.

In the afternoon it was a more typical introduction to the company with our MD, learning the mission, vision and values of the agency. It was exciting looking at the agencyā€™s past successes and seeing how I could help to shape the future. Having been through the recruitment process and hearing how CUBE focus on life-changing, life-saving and problem alleviating tech solutions I was well aware that they were a force to be reckoned with. However, this super-modest super-team never mentioned how they were invited to the White House to speak about their work with theĀ American Red Cross hazards platform, or how they were the only UK agency to be invited by Apple to preview the Apple Watch before launch, or how they are responsible for alerting millions of people around the globe of natural disasters and have helped to save lives on a daily basis.

It was clear that as the new chief news anchor I would have to make all this great information more visible and shout about the talented team of app developers who were real-life lifesavers. For a marketing manager, it was music to my ears to hear a genuinely believable commitment to ā€˜building tech that will change peopleā€™s livesā€™.

Day three: Learning the day-job.

Time to start the day jobā€¦ analysing previous activity, taking over our social channels (if you donā€™t follow them you really should!) and starting to put the wheels in motion of creating the marketing strategy for our future, keep an eye out for exciting stuff coming soon!

What really surprised me was the method of working at the agency, we may have immense pressures of delivering global projects for many big name brands, but the environment of the agency enables a family feel that encourages the passion and community of the team.

Having encountered the CUBES at several industry events their commitment to people is well known, in fact, they are regularly listed as one of the best places to work. Why? Because they believe in culture with a big C. This Culture has been cultivated over time and not forced, thereā€™s great respect for personal and professional growth that allows the team to innovate, collaborate and strive to make outstanding work.

Day four: A little CUBE culture.

By my fourth day, Iā€™m getting used to the concept of hot-desking, itā€™s a strange new phenomenon to me. Being encouraged to move around and collaborate with people ensures that knowledge is shared and helps to build that incredible Culture I mentioned previously. I spend my morning in the jungle area, take part in our schedule meeting around our project board built from lego and learn the ins and outs of the agency.

In the afternoon Iā€™m hosting a meeting to the senior management to see how we can adapt our communication strategy and Frankii, who also started this week is leading her first project management meeting, thereā€™s nothing like being thrown in at the deep end!

The day finishes with a fanfare as we learn of an exciting new client win and get ready to launch a new app that the team has been developing. Thereā€™s a buzz around the place that is infectious.

Day five: Team building and tequila.

The sun rises on my first Friday here and with it comes the daunting task of my first company presentation. I take the opportunity to tell them about my previous roles, how I once set fire to a pop star (accidentally of course) and how the true success of marketing requires everyone within the team in order to maximise our potential. Itā€™s a great way to break the ice before we all head off for a teambuilding exercise that afternoon that involves trampolining and one too many tequilas.

Week number one is over and itā€™s been a blast, itā€™s clear that I have made the right career move and that I have joined something really special.

One of the best parts about being in digital is that the industry is constantly changing. The vibrant, passionate and fast-paced atmosphere here at CUBE makes the work challenging and exciting. Personally, I canā€™t wait to see what awaits on my new adventure.

Weā€™re ready to save the world. Are you?

Published on January 27, 2017, last updated on February 24, 2020

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