In our latest digital event, we explored how technology could impact fundraising. If you couldn't make it, don't worry! Catch-up here...
The economic impact that Covid-19 has had on fundraising has been immense. For the past 18 months, we have seen both short term and long term responses from charities. But we are keen to look ahead at the future and focus on the future, how can funders support projects and organisations that are looking to become more resilient, sustainable and commercially minded?
And how can technology help shape this future?!
That’s where our fabulous hosts come in! Rich and Gabby did a stand-up job talking us through the in’s and out’s of the future of fundraising and the impact technology could have. If that sounds familiar, it’s because we hosted a webinar on that very topic last year! We are so passionate about the third sector and wanted to touch base to see how charities were faring in the year since we last touched base.
Because 3 Sided Cube is so passionate, and our ethos of “Tech For Good” is what drives us, we are lucky enough to work with a lot of people that also want to do good. We do a lot of work with the third sector, fundraising is something we are so passionate about for us as an agency and our clients.
Fundraising is tricky in the best of times, throw in a global pandemic and charities have been trying hard to navigate this unchartered territory. There have been such innovative examples of how they have been able to reach communities and carry on the amazing work they do, so our hosts were keen to jump in and find out more about their experience!
So we did what we do best, and that was to share our expertise on the way technology can support those organisations. But what we needed to really glean some invaluable insights was an amazing panel – so we only went out and got one.
We were psyched to welcome Adrienne Williams from Save the Children, Lynne Davies from Friends of the Earth, and Jessica Gay from Julian House to join our panel discussion! It was so interesting to hear about how they have experienced the past year in their various roles, and how COVID has affected their organisation’s fundraising efforts.
Don’t worry if you missed the event, you can catch up on all the action below!
It was so interesting to hear that despite there being countless negative impacts to come from the pandemic, there has been a ferocity at which communities have come together. People have wanted to not only support charities but inspire change within causes near and dear to their hearts. How the charities have harnessed that momentum to share that goodwill and shared sense of purpose is inspiring!
Nothing makes us happier than hearing about tech for good happening in the wild, and technology aiding the valiant work that is happening in the third sector is music to our ears! The work these organisations are doing every day to make that impact and change happen is nothing short of inspirational, so we love hearing about how innovative they have been in the face of these unpredictable times.
We already can’t wait to take a look at where these organisations are in another year! Stay tuned for more informative Tech For Good Talks, and please reach out if you would like to get involved and collaborate in the future.
This event might be over, but don’t worry…you can sign-up for our next event all about impact right here!
Published on July 21, 2021, last updated on July 21, 2021